"iws_comment" : "version 1.2 adds iwsbase for layouts",
"iws_version" : 1.3,
* iwsvideo: {<language>}
* <language>: Videos and their control are dependent on language that comes from user device. If language coming from user device is not support ”fi” definitions are used. * ”videodict”: {<alias>:<filename>}
"videodict" : {"mediapilot":"video/IWS-tut.mp4"},
means that IWS-tut.mp4 can be referred as mediapilot in configuration.
* ”control” : defines dictionaries for different GUIs that will be sent to user device when video is played.
* ”layout” : defines list of gui widgets and their confugiration. See layout chapter at the end of document for details.
{ "iwsvideo" : { "fi": { "videodict" : {"mediapilot":"video/IWS-tut.mp4", "messu":"video/iws-messu.mp4","quick":"video/iwsquick.mp4"}, "control" : { "default" : { "layout" : [ {"FF": "iwsff" , "loc": [1, 2], "type":"button" }, {"Pause/play": "iwspause" , "loc": [1, 1], "type":"button" }, {"REW": "iwsrew" , "loc": [1, 0], "type":"button" }, {"Exit \n video": "iwsquitvideo" , "loc": [2, 2], "type":"button" } ] } } } },
"mypdf" : { "iws_pageconf": { "iws_pages" : { "eka" : 1, "app" : 2, "mediaohjaus" : 5, "esittelija" : 9, "pika" : 12 }, "iws_lists" : { "demolist" : [1,2,"iwsvideo:messu",5,"iwsvideo:mediapilot",9,"iwsvideo:quick",12, "touch:1"], "tuotteet" : [2,5,9,12] } },
"layout" : [ {"Seuraava \n tuote": "iwsbigger:tuotteet", "loc": [1, 2], "type": "button" }, {"Edellinen \n tuote": "iwssmaller:tuotteet", "loc": [1,0], "type": "button" }, {"Lisätietoa \n": "iwsnext", "loc": [1,1], "type": "button" }, {"Tallenna \n": "iwscapture", "loc": [2, 1], "type": "button"}, {"Poistu\n": "iwsexit", "loc": [0,2], "type": "button"}, {"Valikko \n ": "iwsindex", "loc": [3,0], "type": "button"} ]
"iws_capture" : { "capmode" :0, "iws_dlink" : "http://www.inwiser.com/", "iws_dtags" : ["Demo"], "iws_clists": { "cappdfplaymain" : [2,3], "capmediamain" : [4,5] }, "pages": { "iws_default" : { "iws_comment" : "default capture definition. nothing special", "iws_dlink" : "http://www.inwiser.com/", "iws_dtags" : ["Demo"] }, "demopdf": { "iws_comment" : "capturing pdf. Feature for next version.", "iws_dlink" : "http://www.inwiser.com/", "iws_captureimage" : "Inwiser-demo.pdf", "iws_mtype" : "application/pdf", "iws_dtags" : ["Inwiser","pdf"] }, "cappage2": { "iws_comment" : "Capture page 2", "iws_dlink" : "http://www.inwiser.com/", "iws_capturepage" : 2, "iws_dtags" : ["Inwiser"] } } } } }
List of actions that can be used on buttons